We’re the Sioux City International Film Festival


Now in our 15th year we seek to bring filmmakers from around the globe to our wonderful midwestern town on the border of Iowa, Nebraska, and South Dakota to share their stories, their films and their expertise in the cinematic arts to our audiences that come from near and far. As we approach the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment, “Women in Film” is the theme of this year’s festival.


Meet our panel

Patricia Meyer

Patricia Meyer

Melissa Blake

Melissa Blake

Sarah Nicole Jones

Sarah Nicole Jones

Catherine Wolf McGrath

Catherine Wolf McGrath

Rhiannon Koehler

Rhiannon Koehler

Nora Kirkpatrick

Nora Kirkpatrick

Nikki Tomlinson

Nikki Tomlinson


2019 festival tickets & schedule

Tickets are on sale now for the 2019 Festival get your tickets right here:


And to see our full schedule click below



Find out more about the festival and what you can experience as part of our audience.


Festival partners

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