2019 Sioux City international film festival schedule
Thursday, October 3rd, 2019
1pm - Promenade Cinema - FIlmmaker CHeck-in begins
3pm - promenade cinema - screening block 1 - theater 8 (seats: 105)
5:30pm - promenade cinema - NOn-Competition SCreening “Ever Fallen” - theater 14 (seats: 80) MUST PURCHASE PREMIERE TICKET: TICKETS AVAILABLE HERE
promenade cinema - theater 8 (seats: 105)
FRIDAy, October 4th, 2019
11am - Promenade Cinema - screening block 3 - theater 14 (seats: 80)
12pm - promenade cinema - screening block 4 - theater 8 (seats: 105)
1pm - convention center - workshop #1
Sheer Force of will: Women in Hollywood from 1920s to present - presented by rhiannon koehler
2pm - promenade cinema - screening block 5 - theater 14 (seats: 80)
3pm - promenade cinema - screening block 6 - theater 8 (seats: 105)
3:30pm - convention center - Filmmakers Roundtable
join the filmmakers in attendance to talk about their films, process, and why they make the shorts that they make
5pm - promenade cinema - screening block 7 - theater 14 (seats: 80)
5:30pm - marto brewing - happy hour - join the filmmakers and chat
7pm - women in film: a keynote panel
join moderator patricia meyer and guests Sarah NIcole Jones, Catherine wolf mcgrath, rhiannon koehler, Nora Kirkpatrick & Melissa Blake as they discuss their careers in the film industry
promenade cinema - theater 8
7:30pm - promenade cinema - screening block 2 - theater 14 (seats: 80) By Popular Demand: Special extra screening!
saturday, October 5th, 2019
9am - Jitters Coffee - Coffee hour with the filmmakers - join us and talk movies
10:30AM - convention center - workshop #2
“A Foot in the door” - Find out what agents and producers are looking for in emerging creatives and how to go about getting your work noticed - Presented by Catherine wolf mcgrath
11am - Promenade Cinema - screening block 8 - theater 8 (seats: 105)
12pm - promenade cinema - screening block 9 - theater 14 (seats: 80)
1pm - convention center - workshop #3
“creating your character” - with patricia meyer
2pm - promenade cinema - screening block 10 - theater 8 (seats: 105)
3pm - promenade cinema - screening block 11 - theater 14 (seats: 80)
3:00pm - “Life in the room” - Learn what it takes to navigate the tv writers’ room with Sarah NIcole Jones & Melissa Blake
5pm - promenade cinema - screening block 12 - theater 8 (seats: 105)
5:30pm - marto brewing - happy hour - join the filmmakers and chat
7:30PM - Siouxsie presentation and winning shorts
join us for the presentation of the 2019 siouxsie awards and find out which films are going to take home prizes and win audience choice
promenade cinema - theater 14
Though highly unlikely this schedule is subject to change.